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Micheal & Cecilia Ibru University 2024/2025 Transfer/Pre-Degree Admission form Is Out, Akwanga
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Micheal & Cecilia Ibru University 2024/2025 Transfer/Pre-Degree Admission form Is Out, Akwanga

Region: whole Nigeria, Nasarawa State / Akwanga
Micheal & Cecilia Ibru University 2024/2025 Transfer/Pre-Degree Admission form Is Out Call (O8122868281}(08122868281) Dr. ANITA).Also sales of 2024)2025 Direct Entry/ Remedial form call 08122868281}(08122868281)The school Management hereby inform the general public on the sales of the Part-Time Admission form.
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Vicky Ani /  feedback, info. /  user activity validation
Registration date: 15.01.2025
Phone number: 0913xxxxxx show
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Ad ID: #268658 (added by an unregistered user, Registration date: 15-01-2025)
Added: 15-01-2025 18:43   (valid until: 14-07-2025)
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